La Mer | #NightWithLaMer Social Activation
Online, Global, 2024
Our Services
Concept Development
Build & Deployment
01. Challenge - Using social media to drive product consideration and education.
La Mer engaged Holition to create a mobile-first social filter for Instagram and TikTok to promote their NEW Rejuvenating Night Cream, aiming to educate users on the application ritual and boost Earned Media Value (EMV) and Share of Voice (SOV) through the #NightWithLaMer hashtag.
The experience needed to deliver a distinctive story to existing and new audiences worldwide, highlighting La Mer’s unique approach to night-time skincare.
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02. Solution - A step-by-step AR tutorial that invites users to a Night with La Mer.
In response to the brief, we developed the #NightWithLaMer Social Activation — an augmented reality experience that guides users through La Mer's Moon Gliding Application ritual. The filter provides a step-by-step tutorial designed to educate users on a nightly skincare ritual through La Mer’s Rejuvenating Night Cream, which promotes optimal product absorption and skin rejuvenation.
La Mer | Night With La Mer Social Activation
Experience Design:
01. Step-by-Step Tutorial: The AR filter guides users through each stage of the Moon Gliding ritual for the NEW Rejuvenating Night Cream, using visual prompts (illustrations and text), visualised in Augmented Reality, to represent each step of the application ritual.
02. Moon Gliding Ritual Phases: Inspired by La Mer’s signature Moon Gliding Ritual, designed especially for the Rejuvenating Night Cream, the #NightWithLaMer social filter takes soothing visual and sensory cues from the phases of the moon to introduce users to the evening ritual, whilst reinforcing self-care and relaxation.
The filter visually and interactively teaches the ritual phases, creating an accessible, sensory-led evening self-care experience. Promoted across La Mer’s owned and earned channels globally, this AR filter was built for easy and widespread access.
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03. Insight - Insight - Harnessing social media to create ripples of change.
The #NightWithLaMer Social Activation successfully educates users on La Mer’s night-time ritual while fostering a memorable brand connection. By creating a soothing, step-by-step ritual experience, La Mer invited users into a luxurious self-care moment, increasing social sharing and elevating the brand’s presence across global markets.